Tuesday, 4 October 2011

STF - Moscato at Gallery Daeppen - "Co-Errances" exhibition

We love STF (Stephane Moscato)'s work. First and foremost because the french artist is ultra-talented and its compositions are ever so "wonderland" themed but also because the artist is a very nice guy with a humorist-sarcastic way of seeing things.

Once again, Gallery Guillaume Daeppen in Switzerland organise an exhibition "Co-Errances" (a word play between "co-errands" and "coherent") with a selection of canvases and works on book covers... Not unusual to paint and draw on book covers but STF does it in a superb manner, that somehow relates to the work of book binding craftsmanship. Moscato says that: "Two reasons why I use book covers as a support: texture is very similar to canvas but also books are linked to the transmission of knowledge, culture and imagination. A book is a symbol for science and wisdom".

If you live close to Bale in Switzerland, go and visit this super exhibition by STF.

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