Friday, 26 August 2011

"Modern Pin-Up" Exhibition - 4th edition :: Italia Ruotolo

The 4th edition of our "Modern Pin-Up" exhibition will take place end of September in our showrooms and the catalogue will be edited in October. This edition will be spectacular! An amazing artists, Italia Ruotolo, is blessing us by sending a superb painting: 'Lady Godiva"...

About Italia:
Italia Ruotolo was born in Naples, Italy. She classicly studied ancient Greek and Latin and later graduated at the Fine Arts Academy of Naples. For many years she worked as a goldsmith and designer. Ruotolo's work is a broad range of pop art and art nouveau. Her source of inspiration is the world that surrounds her. In her work, there isn’t much distinction between high and low cultural level, because she’s aware that the man lives in a myriad of sensory stimulation and is itself the product of continuing contradiction between what is real and what is mere appearance or mere fiction. We find echoes of these contradictions in her work in constant search of a balance between past and future.

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