Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Spliff Gachette at Finearte Art Dealers

15th February opens the first Pin-Ups pop-up show of 2011 at Finearte. For the first show we have gathered some amazing originals and limited editions from artists of all horizons and this time we have included some stunning pieces by some recognized and well known street artists.

A rare occurence in the world of Galleries is the presence of Spliff Gachette (aka Docteur Gachet)artworks.

Spliff Gachette is an « anartiste »as defined by the Dadaism movement. He fought against social injustice for many years stenciling streets across France - a "hobby" that had him arrested by the police and condemned by the French legal system.

Spliff Gachette now spray paint stencils over (empty) cigar boxes. Themes are often political, caricatural...and sexy...

One of the box Spliff Gachette exhibits during our Pin-Ups show show a super stencil representing a voluptuous pin-up (assuming she's Cuban) offering to the future owner of the cigar box a delicate present...

To admire and to own...

For more information about the show Private View, visit http://www.fineartegallery.co.uk

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