Sunday, 28 August 2011

Penny :: Hanging in the balance - Screenprint on 1917 Funf marks

We are always excited about Penny's new release...especially when one does not know it's coming... All it takes is a combination of one screen printer (Mother Drucker), Penny, 5 days, a stack of vintage cash and a hell of a lot of german beer to produce these mini-money prints. "Hanging in the Balance" is 10 colour design screen printed onto genuine Face of 1917 Fünf Mark all with hand-sprayed background. Note size 12 x 8 cm. Overall edition /20

I believe the edition was sold out within a couple of hours...we managed to get ours!

A Finearte, on est toujours dans l'attente des dernieres productions de Penny...surtout quand personne ne s'y attend.

La derniere serie "Hanging in the balance" est la collaboration entre l'artiste Brittanique et "Mother Drucker"... cinq jours, de la biere Allemande a volonte, des billets anciens et le resultat: une edition de 20 billets de 5 Marks avec screenprint et pochoirs ...

About Penny:

Penny was educated at Chelsea College of Art Design and Central Saint Martins and upon graduating, quickly established himself within the stencil art scene in London. He has received critical acclaim for his highly technical, intricately detailed hand-cut stencils, which he brings to life with the application of an idiosyncratic colour palette.

Penny regards the complex, lengthy process of stencil production as important as the final piece and his methodology greatly informs his work. Other themes include the juxtaposition of the industrial with the organic, playing with scale, the subtle subversion of reality and the creation of narrative within the inanimate. All these notions translate equally well to canvas or street, and with every street piece, further considerations are given to the context and environment. The interaction with the environment is an important part of Penny’s work.

Penny’s artworks are produced using highly complex stencils and spray paint. Penny hand cuts all his stencils using a scalpel, and one stencil alone can take hundreds of hours to cut. This process allows Penny to produce images with a yield so highly detailed that they are almost photographic.

Friday, 26 August 2011

"Modern Pin-Up" Exhibition - 4th edition :: Italia Ruotolo

The 4th edition of our "Modern Pin-Up" exhibition will take place end of September in our showrooms and the catalogue will be edited in October. This edition will be spectacular! An amazing artists, Italia Ruotolo, is blessing us by sending a superb painting: 'Lady Godiva"...

About Italia:
Italia Ruotolo was born in Naples, Italy. She classicly studied ancient Greek and Latin and later graduated at the Fine Arts Academy of Naples. For many years she worked as a goldsmith and designer. Ruotolo's work is a broad range of pop art and art nouveau. Her source of inspiration is the world that surrounds her. In her work, there isn’t much distinction between high and low cultural level, because she’s aware that the man lives in a myriad of sensory stimulation and is itself the product of continuing contradiction between what is real and what is mere appearance or mere fiction. We find echoes of these contradictions in her work in constant search of a balance between past and future.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Epsylon Point French street art godfather

I hear and read a lot about Blek le Rat at the moment (must be linked to the Banksy's documentaries featured on Channel 4 lately) and how great and not conventional his pieces are (Blek's...not Banky's)... well... France has another godfather when it comes to street art.. Epsylon unconventional, politically incorrect artist...and one worth discovering.

"Hayden" sunfire version by stencil artist Snik available at Finearte

Snik is definitely a stencil artist to watch...With impressive street pieces created in the UK (a regular at Upfest), Germany and France (Vitry), Snik is strengthening his position as a top class street artist...and with a solo show coming up in November 2011 in London., we have no doubt his works will be selling like hot-cakes. All of the aforementioned reasons are good enough to start collecting some of his early pieces or post-solo show work and we just have the right one at Finearte. "Hayden Sunfire" is a 7 layer stencil, painted with acrylic and markers - size is 40" x 32" and price is £750 with free delivery in the UK - although if you are nice enough we might offer a further, discretionary discount.