Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Farameh Media launch superb book on Americana and Notaphilia

"For Which It Stands: Americana in Contemporary Art." A book to own! (we sorted ours!)

Farameh Media launch this great new book at Art Basel. Each of these 100 editions have been tranformed into original works by artists such as Penny, Zevs, D*Face, Peter Tunney, Kevin Berlin and Jeremy Dean.

For more information please contact Faremeh Media at: or call +1-646-807-1810

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Unseen prints by Hush - Released

Finally the new prints by Hush were released last night - All sold out at the galleries chosen for the release within minutes. We managed to have direct all print Unseen I, II, III and a couple of extras... Unfortunately we have decided to hand on to them for a little while...but we will email you when they are for sale ;) Hush has a pair of new prints available titled, “Unseen I/II”. They are each 11.5″ x 8.5″ 9-color Screenprint, Hand Painted & Sprayed, making each print unique. They are each signed/numbered editions of 225 each, and cost $350 for the set of two prints. Also included are 6 Kiss cut stickers on 2x A4 Sticker Sheets (7 Colour Screenprint). Finearte purchase works by Hush. Contact us at

Saturday, 1 December 2012

If you live or on holiday in Amsterdam, you have one good reason to go and visit the exhibition "Closet Eccentric" by Matthew Knight at Gogallery. "Invitiation 15 JAAR" "Exhibition: Closet Eccentric" "A solo exhibition by the amazing Matthew Knight (Ierland, 1980)" "Opening: Saturday December 1st from 5 – 8 pm. the artist will be present at the opening." "Matthew Knight has worked continuously for the last 3 months to make this" "amazing show possible." "About 20 artworks are created from canvasses, wood, old comic books and other old objects." "LEGO, Islamitic art (as a child he lived in Pakistan for 9 years), Tintin and Asterix" "& Obelix were the main source of inspiration for his latest collection." "The exhibition is on display until January 20th 2013."

Thursday, 29 November 2012

The stolen Sekoto: Colour me miserable

The stolen Sekoto: Colour me miserable

He was recognised as a pioneer of urban black art in South Africa – he broke the “native” mould and captured in brilliant hues the vibrant street life of iconic communities like Sophiatown and District Six. In 1940 one of his works became the first painting by a black artist to enter a museum collection. The only way he could see it on display at the Johannesburg Art Museum was to pretend to be a cleaner. Later in life he was hailed as Africa’s first great Impressionist and recognised as a master. Today, many of his paintings are worth millions of rand each.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

CopyRight new exhibition in London (Pure Evil Gallery)

A much awaited exhibition opened in London at the Pure Evil Gallery, 108 Leonard Street: 'Pop Lives, Pagan Hearts' by CopyRight. The Bristol based artist is considered by many as "ultra talented" and following his appearance in "The Apprentice" has gained a larger audience than the 'Urban Art aficionados'.
CopyRight's technique evolves in the right direction and besides stencils, screenprint and "decoupes",the artist is now using neon lights and stained glass to experiment.
CopyRight's style and theme has not changed much though and one can criticise the repetitive use of female faces, butterflies and birds, bold words and decorative patterns...we love it though and a few pieces are worth the tag price. Finearte has a beautiful "Precious Damage" by CopyRight for sale.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Tian, French urban artist at Piasa auction

One of our resident artist Tian will have two paintings in a prestigious (Contemporary and Urban Art) catalogued auction sale in France, alongside artwoks by C215, Jonone, Jef Aerosol.

But if you prefer to buy direct from us - feel free to look at the superb pieces we have in stock:

L'un de nos artistes sera present dans la vente aux encheres d'art urbain organisee par PIASA en France. Si vous souhaitez acheter un Tian, consultez les oeuvres que nous avons en stock:
Never Love a Man

Vente aux enchères / Auctioneers - Maison Piasa Art contemporain Art urbain français

Vendredi 22 juin 2012 à 14H00 Hôtel Drouot, salle 1 & 7 9 rue Drouot 75009 PARIS - FR

Exposition : Jeudi 21 juin : 11h-18h et vendredi 21 juin : 11h-12h Exhibition

TELECHARGEZ LE CATALOGUE Download the catalogue.

For more information on Tian, contact Antoine Becaglia at Finearte Art Dealers. mailto:

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Mark Grambau's Superheros series

I just came across an article on on the Vintage style posters of Dave Ault, an artist from Portland, OR ...and I just remembered that a few years ago I really liked and bought some posters from Mark Grambau (who unfortunately does not sell them anymore)... They were of a brilliant quality and I prefer his style to Ault.